Experience International Calling (…Without Paying A Fortune)
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Calling Card Sent via Email
No Hidden Fees
Credit Rollover
Call To 200+ Countries
Why Buy From Us?
We will not take your credit if your phone card expires
It is common business practice to remove a customer’s existing balance after a phone card expires but this is something the phone card providers we have selected have never done as a policy.
If your phone card expires, no problem, simply recharge it and we will carry your previous balance onto your recharge total.
No reactivation fees
Some phone card companies will penalise you for letting your card expire by charging you a fee to reactivate it.
We understand that life happens and things get missed. Simply recharge your card as you normally do and you are back in business!
No daily service fee charges
In a consumer study conducted by accan.org.au they found that 48% of calling card companies charged a daily service charge of some kind.
A daily service charge is a fee that is deducted from your phone card balance regardless of whether you are using your phone card or not.
All the calling cards on our website do not use any kind of service fees or charges.
No off-peak or on-peak call rates
You may find that some calling companies will have varied rates depending on the time of day that you call, we use flat calling rates across the board.

Our Phone Card Range
Starting Talking Minutes From Now
Start typing in a country name below and we’ll find the best rates for that specific country including landline and mobile options.
Calling Card Sent via Email
No Hidden Fees
Credit Rollover
Call To 200+ Countries